~Does he like you?~

This quiz will help you determine whether or not he is right for you. He could be ready to ask you out, or just likes you as a friend. And if not, don't worry.

I think you will all find the right person somewhere and somehow. Hope you enjoy this quiz and find the right guy fit for you! Good luck and a nice day to you!

Created by: izzidori
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you talk what is he looking at or doing?
  2. If he had a choice of who to hang out with who would it be?
  3. Is he in a relationship with someone else?
  4. Does he ever...
  5. How often do you talk?
  6. When you guys talk who starts the conversation?
  7. How long have you known each other?
  8. Does he ever ask you to go with him somewhere?
  9. Did this quiz seem helpful to you? Does not effect score
  10. Would he do anything for you?

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