there are many people out there today that have being bullied criticize and so much more that why I decided to make this quiz because I know that no matter what everyone is beautiful.

do you have low self esteem? That is the question.Do you feel your world is ending or just beginning. Take the quiz and you will find out the truth.

Created by: Chardae
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your body type?
  2. Do you have friends?
  3. Do you compare yourself to others?
  4. Do you cry a lot?
  5. Do you get bullied?
  6. Do you trust a lot of adults?
  7. How do you take complaints
  8. Do you take pills or drugs to escape?
  9. Do you have sex or do you have a boyfriend?
  10. Do you love yourself?

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