Maze Runners Love Interests

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This is just for people to do if that want to find out who that will 'fall in love with' in the maze. There are only 3 options but if you want more just tell me and I'll make a part 2. I hope all of you are being safe and washing your hands any way bye bye hope you like the test I made for you.

If your ever in Wattpad look me up my username is forever_a_werdo I got a couple of books out mostly just fanfics lol. And if you do want a part 2 just ask me on there... Or something.

Created by: Alexis
  1. You come up out of the box all scared who is the first person to calm you down
  2. Some gladders are picking on you what do you do.
  3. You had to take a shower but was scared of someone trying to look at you while doing it. Who do you ask you watch the door.
  4. What job do you get in the glade?
  5. Who is your favorite person in The maze runner out of these three?
  6. You where eating dinner with Chuck and felt someone looking at you. who is it?
  7. Do you like this test.
  8. Who do you want to get?
  9. So I gotta put down ten questions.
  10. You are planning truth or dare and someone asked you to kiss your crush. Who do you kiss.

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