7ST English Test

het hi hey hio hey hi hey hgi hey hi hey hi hey hi ehy hi hey hi hey hi ehy hi this test is 4 7st to do revision at holywell school yayayay have GUD DAY

het hi hey hio hey hi hey hgi hey hi hey hi hey hi ehy hi hey hi hey hi ehy hi this test is 4 7st to do revision at holywell school yayayay have FAB DAY

Created by: leopardhead

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What goes on the end of a sentance?
  2. Which of these are a reading golden rule?
  3. If a question says wright 4 phrases, you should wright...
  4. What do you need to back up your answer?
  5. In a 4 point answer you should...
  6. In a reading test do you get helpfull hints?
  7. What is non-fiction?
  8. How do you spell...
  9. How many vowvles are there in the alphabet?
  10. Who wrote Romeo and Juilette

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