7 minutes in heaven

who will go in the closet with you??????????????????????????????????????????????hi hey blue bird yellow red??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

this is just part 1, part 2 will be called "7 minutes in heaven What will happen now"......BEEP HEY THER BE BOOP BOP...............................................................

Created by: christj1
  1. pick a number (only 1 out of 2 that counts)
  2. pick a object ( last one that counts)
  3. ok where done ignore the other questinons please
  4. bllllieuvfhsoiufhvskdfhvs
  5. sfubveukrnfv
  6. bl
  7. bi
  8. h
  9. b
  10. t
  11. no ready to go into the closet?

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