5º Vocabulary Quiz 2

These are the words from the vocabulary list, the same words as on the Quizlet practice. Write the correct word or words from the vocabulary list. Pay attention to the parentheses.

There is no partial credit this time. It's either completely correct or completely incorrect, so be careful when typing, and use capital letter correctly.

Created by: Rick Maurer
  1. You can see __ interesting animals. muy (not "very")
  2. There are __ __ flowers in the garden. muchos
  3. I like many different ___ ___ music. clases de
  4. The film was ___! genial
  5. ___ play football. Vamos a
  6. Can you say that ___, please? otra vez
  7. Here's the ___. respuesta
  8. He's my ___ friend. el mejor
  9. What did you do on your ___? vacaciones (not "vacation")
  10. It's the girl who has a blue __. bufanda
  11. You can eat __ you like. cualquier cosa

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