50sValues on GoToQuiz

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Based on the famous 8values quiz, 50sValues seeks to measure how you would fit on 5 axis all themed on issues prevelant during the 1950s. Where will you fall? Will you be Republican or Democrat, Left or Right, this test will show you, Enjoy.

(Original info in Spanish)Basado en el famoso quiz de 8values, 50sValues busca medir cómo encajarías en 5 ejes, todos temáticos sobre temas prevalecientes durante la década de 1950. ¿Dónde caerás? ¿Serás republicano o demócrata, de izquierda o de derecha? Esta prueba te lo demostrará, disfruta.

Created by: Le0nidas
  1. We shall continue to maintain segregation in Alabama completely and absolutely without violence or ill-will. … I advocate hatred of no man, because hate will only compound the problems facing the South. … We ask for patience and tolerance and make an earnest request that we be allowed to handle state and local affairs without outside interference.
  2. The tragedy of Korea is further heightened by the fact that its military action is confined to its territorial limits. It condemns that nation, which it is our purpose to save, to suffer the devastating impact of full naval and air bombardment while the enemy's sanctuaries are fully protected from such attack and devastation. Of the nations of the world, Korea alone, up to now, is the sole one which has risked its all against communism. The magnificence of the courage and fortitude of the Korean people defies description. They have chosen to risk death rather than slavery. Their last words to me were: 'Don't scuttle the Pacific!'
  3. Taft explained that the great issue in this campaign is "creeping socialism." Now that is the patented trademark of the special interest lobbies. Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years. Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security. Socialism is what they called farm price supports. Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance. Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people
  4. Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between communistic atheism and Christianity. The modern champions of communism have selected this as the time, and ladies and gentlemen, the chips are down — they are truly down
  5. America has evolved a model for this new free world... America has demonstrated that peoples of the East and peoples of the West may walk side by side in mutual respect and with mutual benefit. The history of our sovereignty there has now the full confidence of the East.
  6. Do you support US intervention abroad in places like Korea to stop the spread of Communism?
  7. Do you support the Brown vs Board of Education ruling by the Supreme Court?
  8. Do you support deflation and the balenced budget scheme?
  9. Was the Alger Hiss sentence too leniant or too tough?
  10. Was the US right to intervene against their allies in the Suez Crisis of '56?

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