20 Questions (video Game Theme)

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What video game are you thinking right now, huh? I bet I can read your mind!! Shadowla:you don't have that power... Me:or do I? Mwahahaha!! >:)?

Are you thinking of Sonic or Mario? Chit chat with Shadowla and I while I read your mind... Mwahahaha!! >:D Shadowla:*snicker* me:Stop ruining my evil laugh! I worked hard on it! >:c?

Created by: Savannah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Shadowla:Favorite video game?
  2. Let me do the mind reading here. Now who is your favorite enemy.
  3. Favorite food?
  4. (Bonus pts.) What is you favorite color(s)?
  5. FATE
  6. Favorite weapon/power.
  7. Bored are you?
  8. Fave song
  9. What do you normaly play/watch someone play?
  10. Freebie
  11. Bye

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