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This quiz will get updated. Anyway this is all about the Pals but some questions will be hard through out but just try your best i think it's fun please review it and send some suggestions.

If you don't know who the pals are you can check them out on youtube.[Also make sure to sub to them].Enjoy your time and check out other quizzes also i am writing a lot cuz that's a rule.

Created by: Martyna
  1. Why can't Denis get a cat?
  2. Who does Denis have a crush on?
  3. Who owns the orange colour?
  4. Who burps a lot?
  5. Who's really gross?
  6. Who doesn't stream?
  7. Who owns the light blue colour?
  8. Who owns the purple colour?
  9. Who owns the green colour?
  10. Who owns the darker blue colour?

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