2007 NFL season

Many people think they know about the NFL. Well, today you can prove yourself right. Just take this very corny quiz and I assure you, you will find what you got wrong and what you got right.

Are you one of those people who thinks they know about the NFL? Do you really know about this year's NFL season. Now you can finally take the quiz. By the way, watch week 15. It should be good.

Created by: Tom Brady

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who was shot in his home this year?
  2. Which wide reciever had the most touchdowns going into week 15?
  3. Who is the new Bears quarterback?
  4. Which quarterback led his team to a great record, (undeafited)?
  5. Which Green Bay wide reciever has the most touchdowns?
  6. Which is the best running team in the NFL?
  7. Which player suffered a tragic injury in week 1?
  8. Who "cheated" in week one?
  9. Who set many records this year?
  10. Final question. Is it Favre's last year?

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