ok well if u even took this quiz i guess you have some brains but if u aced it then u like totally rock so ya !!hi how r u i think it is really stupid that this this has to contain so many words so that is why every thing is so cheesy so there

r u sure u answered right?? o well if u didnt because i will forgive u becasuse i am a forgiving person so ya!!ya well now i have to write more so ya how r u 2day i am good i am really bored of typing and by the way this quiz is really strupid and funny

Created by: bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. one cheese costs one dollar so how much does two cheeses cost?
  2. what is 2+2
  3. what is hi spelled backwards
  4. who beats the king
  5. what is bargins spelled backwards
  6. what does a light switch do
  7. who is the king
  8. who is who
  9. hi who is bob
  10. what is a thing

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