11 year old , that knows a lot about zombies

there are some who think they are genius's, and some who are, whather they have discovered there zombie skills yet or not? there is a lot of difference, take this quiz and see if you have what it takes to survive an apocalypse.

think you are a smarty pants on zombies? think you would survive an apocalypse? do you think you know what to do if there was an outbreak, and see yourself safe ? if so TAKE THIS QUIZ !!!!

Created by: james sefton

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you hear that a scientist made a flesh eatin human that attacked others,and that it has escaped and its living in a town 15 miles away from you, what do you do ?
  2. you hear something smash on the floor, then something BANG!!!! this occoured upstairs and you were downstairs what do you do ?
  3. you are with a man that you met on the way, and you are bitten and you know you will become one of the otherside, but joshua (the man you met) doesent know what will you do ?
  4. what build are you ?
  5. how quick can u run ?
  6. what is the best gun to use against a zombie (in the real world)
  7. what happens to a zomie if u lobbed a grenade at it
  8. there is a car with 4 people in there , a man, a woman and 2 children, with over a dozen zomies surrounding them, what do you do ?
  9. have you had any experience with guns/weaponary ?
  10. do you believe in zombies

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