10 question to know Beyblade burst character are you or me?

Your gonna pick 1 from all of these 10 questions. You gonna be the character that you have most point. The points are from the answer that you choose. The more point you gonna get, that will be how many persen that you gonna have.

If you wanna be the character you hopefully want. Pick the choices that you think they might pick, if you watch BEYBLADE BURST OBVIUSLY. The Characters Are:-Shu-Valt-Wakiya-Aiger-Kitand Me

Created by: Felis
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Your friends see you as....
  3. What kind of shows you watch?
  4. Pick a color
  5. What do you like to do in your free time?
  6. Do you like?
  7. What kind of animal do you prefer?
  8. What number do you pick from 1-10
  9. What kind of person do you prefer
  10. Do you have a crush on a people that bully you?

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