10 minutes in alternative heaven | Comments

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  • Your Result: Dean/Hailey the rocker kid

    You were supposed to pick out a number on a piece of paper but you pulled out a numbered guitar pick. Anyway, it is the number 3, just for ther record. Dean/Hailey winks at you and sets his/her guitar down before taking you to the pantry, which is your confined space. S/he has been your best friend for a while so naturally they flirted with you but there was something more than good natured innocent flirting. Dean/Hailey began spilling lyrics to the song s/he was writing to tell you how s/he felt. time was up befoer you could do anything about your new found feelings but you like him/her back so there was bound to be another chance for a kiss.

    ^ - ^ awe, this is so cute. Omfg, I love how someone finally made a quiz using alternative kids. I also like how you made this for both genders. ^-^ good job! 10/10

  • Chris the scene kid,I do like scene people I like alot of the same stuff they do such as Invader Zim and Dinosaurs. I also like a few scene bands like botdf even though I enjoy emo rock more. Cool quiz mate.


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