10 Mind-Trick Questions- can you pass?

This is a mind trick quiz. REMINDER: this result is not sciencetifically true. Anyways, enjoy your day, and also enjoy your week, month, year, EVERYTHING!! Hooray

Maybe try these tricks on your friends! (if you have friends ofcourse, otherwise its stupid, right????) You can also find more tricks if you just search up: mind tricks, ok?

Created by: ElstaerXD
  1. A man and his son crash in a car. The father dies, but the son needs a surgery. The surgeon says: I cant operate him! He is my son! How?
  2. There are 10 apples. You take 3. How many do you have left?
  3. Someone´s mom has 3 daughters. Spring, Summer, Fall and..?
  4. A little man lives on the 100th floor. On a rainy day he takes the elevator all the way up. On a sunny day he only go´s half the way up, and then takes the stairs. Why?
  5. If a white horse go´s in the black sea, what is the horse?
  6. Why are movie stars considered cool?
  7. Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
  8. What do an island and the letter “t” have in common?
  9. On wich thing you cant stand backwards?
  10. Wich 3 things cant you have for breakfast

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Quiz topic: 10 Mind-Trick Questions- can I pass?
