103 Computer Lab Rules

Welcome to lab 103. This quiz is over your rule sheet. As a class we went over the rule sheet together and you were given a copy to review. Hopefully most of this is common sense.

A score of 100% is required to be on the computers after today. If you score anything less than a 100% you should retake the quiz until your get a 100%. When you have a 100% you will need to show Mrs. Taylor. This needs to be done in class.

Created by: Mrs Taylor
  1. Upon entering the lab I must ____________
  2. When using the internet which of these statements is correct?
  3. Tablets, cell phones, ipods, etc. are.....
  4. Regarding food and drinks in the lab
  5. Printing in the lab is ___________
  6. Regarding downloading programs and files off the internet.
  7. When leaving the lab,
  8. When saving files, it is a good idea to
  9. Behavior in the classroom should
  10. In order to keep the room and equipment clean

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