100% accurate personality quiz

Are you contemplating your existence? Do you feel with your eyes as you read a good cozy book? Do you love nature and peace? Well, then this is the quiz for you!

Haha jk, you losers. This is for someone who is collapsing under their own weight of misery and despair. No, but for realsies, this quiz is about discovering who you are and a fun thing to do when you're bored.

Created by: Sunflower Seeds
  1. How do feel about the color of beige?
  2. When a rando walks up says he's your father, what do you do?
  3. Do you talk to yourself?
  4. Smiles...
  5. Would you rather run butt-naked through the streets and never get sent to jail for it or live a long prosperous life?
  6. underwear
  7. Do you know what a plumber's crack is?
  8. Do you write hate tweets on instagram? Be honest.
  9. Which earlobe is your fav?
  10. Do you love me?

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