Would I date you (BOYS ONLY)(13-14)

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Hey,if you are a boy that is 13 or 14 then u can take this quiz! I hope you enjoy my quiz! Have a fun life!!!By the way this is my first quiz! Please no hate!

I'm very excited to see what you guys get! Please comment what you get!😁😍😂😆😊😄🙂😃😀😁❤👍Hope you guys will enjoy my quiz!!!YAY I MADE A QUIZ!

Created by: Becky
  1. Do you care if I wear glasses?
  2. Where would a date be?
  3. What color hair do u have
  4. What do u do on the weekends?
  5. Age?
  6. Did you like my quiz?
  7. Your weight?(in pounds)
  8. How tall are you
  9. Would you go to my birthday party?
  10. Would you eat lunch with me?

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