Living with the rowdyruff boys

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what will happen will they like you will they hate you what will they think of you? there is no way to find out unless you take this quiz im a quizmaster so this quiz will be cool

will they like you? will they hate you? until you could only wonder but now you can see if they like you in 3 minutes you can live with them and have the time of you life

Created by: Butch
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Brick: yo boomer Boomer: what? Brick: meet our new friend Boomer: hi
  2. Butch: im hungry Boomer: i got sandwichs Brick: cool ( boomer gives you a sandwich )
  3. Brick: lets play ball (boomer thows the ball you grab it) butch: cool your good
  4. Butch: lets go get some candy (butch leaves and comes back with a bunch of candy) boomer: here have some (boomer gives you candy)
  5. Butch: lets train you in?
  6. [1hour later...] brick: lets watch tv Butch: yeah boomer get the popcorn Boomer: i got it what do you want to watch?
  7. Brick: its geting late but we still have time to drawl cool pictures Boomer: i ganna drawl a Monster Butch: im ganna drawl a dark angle brick: what are you ganna drawl?
  8. Brick: lets go eat ice cream Butch: yeah cool boomer: yea im hungry what ice cream do you want?
  9. Butch: im sleepy Brick: ok lets get ready for bed Boomer: ok let me show you to your room (you get there) boomer: how do you like it?
  10. Brick: Night Butch: good night Boomer: Good night new friend

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