Wich Legendary Sannin Are You?

A Sannin is a honnor rank that just a few people have. This people normally are very strong. There are soo many diferents types of Sannin... What type you are?

A Sannin is a honnor rank that just a few people have. This people normally are very strong. You what do know what type of sannnin you are? No? So do the test and enjoy!

Created by: Kanashimi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You go to a library. Yo will choose the book...
  2. What activities do you prefere?
  3. On classes you...
  4. You are most interested on...
  5. You normally are...
  6. Wich Rank you like more?
  7. You Receive 5 Missions to do. You can choose one. You would choose...
  8. You have to kill your best friend, if you do not kill your friend you will be killed.
  9. In a mission somthing goes wrong, and ou fall into a trap. One of your teammates get captured, The another one ran alway, Your sensei are fight and obviously will lose without you help. You...
  10. You get stoled and you see the thief closely, and with your things... You would do...
  11. You're best on...

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Quiz topic: Wich Legendary Sannin am I?