Wich Harry Potter character are you?

Wich Harry Potter character are? Wich do you want to be? Take my quiz and find out exactly who! (Please, I stayed up past one A.M. working on this)!

Just wich character are you from the fabulous Harry Potter books? Has it been this burning question inside you forever? Well, now you can find out, take my quiz! Take it! Take it!

Created by: sydney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you funny, or not so much?
  2. What is the thing you admire most about yourself?
  3. What is your best talent?
  4. What color hair do you have?
  5. What is one of your personality traits?
  6. What do you hate the most?
  7. Your friend is surrounded by werewolves, what do you do?
  8. Do you get bullied often?
  9. What do you admire most about Dumbledore?
  10. If you could have only one of these things, wich would it be?
  11. Wich would you be most traumatized by?

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Quiz topic: Wich Harry Potter character am I?