Wich hxh boy likes you

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This quiz will tell you which Hunter X Hunter boy likes you. Its Only Kurpika, killua and Gon. sorry guys, girls only unless your bi, gay, or pan. I hope you guys will like this

This has humor, kinda weird stuff, and cool questions. Pls comment,like and follow and also tell me what to do next alright Pls dont take this quiz if you don't know hxh

Created by: Anime lover/ Aya
  1. Ok so welcome to my first quizz now lets get going shall we?
  2. Me: Now KILLUA GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE! Killua: I'm coming and I'm bringing butt along. Me: Haha very funny now ask y/n a question. Killua: whats your fav color? Me: that's boring😒Killua: what did you really...... know what nvm Me: thats what I thought.
  3. Me: OK killua ask y/n another question.Killua: Ok. What's your favorite food?Me: finally a good question!Killua: What do you mean by that?! 😠Me: Nothing.🙄
  4. Me:*claps hands together* Alright gon...... wait where are you?Gon: right here Aya-san😄Me: Pls don't call me thatGon: okMe: gon ask y/n a questionGon: HMMMMMM. What do you do during your free time?
  5. Me: alright gon ask y/n another questionGon: Hmmmm whats your favorite animal
  6. Me: KURAPIKA GET OVER HERE BEFORE I BEAT YOU UPKurapika: Yes Aya?Me: Don't call me that.Kurapika: what do you want?Me: I want you to ask y/n a question.Kurapika: What do you think of the phantom troupe?
  7. Me: alright ask y/n another questionKurapika: how many friends do you have?
  8. Me: alright whats your age
  9. whats your gender
  10. Fate

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