Who are you in the TawnyClan? (Doesn't include everyone)

I was playing all the GoToQuizzes when I was like Ah! I should totally make one! So here is my Warrior Cat (bestselling book series by Erin Hunter) Quiz- this is my made up clan btw.

I hope this inspires some of you guys to make it too! Personally I would love to be Averyfern haha but my Warrior Cat is Emberdusk of ThunderClan, now I hope all of you guys enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Drivenbywarriorcats
  1. ROLEPLAY TIME! Scenario #1: your a medicine apprentice and you are healing a cat while your mentor is gone. You was just made medicine apprentice so doesn't know much herbs. Your patient has greencough and you remember to treat them with:
  2. What do you value most in a friend?
  3. Who seems like a good mate for you?
  4. ROLEPLAY TIME! Scenario #2: It's a bright sunny day and leafbare has just passed. Mudfang walks up to you and drops a rabbit by your paws, he looks away to hide his red face but you can still see him blushing. You eat the prey suspicously and thank him, he looks at you with glistening eyes and a wobbly smile. "Ahh er- uhm- d-dont thank me!"
  5. fAtE decides!!!
  6. Oops! Fate decide isn't yet, who messed up this thing!? Anyways- what would you decorate your fur with?
  7. ROLEPLAY TIME!! Scenario #3: Your a medicine cat who had just kitted!! What do you do with your kits?
  8. Fur colour?
  9. Are you a cat or dog person?
  10. Lmk if you enjoyed this quiz!

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the TawnyClan? (Doesn't include everyone)

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