Who will you date

Hi this is this is a message from the creator of this quiz. Head shoulders knees and toes what are those? I am a toad! I also like to say hi. I just 150 words.

Because of your choice you can set your self up to date any person. LOOK AT YOUR MOM. COM AND LOOK AT SAO IN THE APP THING. PLZ PEOPLE! PLAY MORE VIDEO GAMES.

Created by: My name is no
  1. Who do you like more?
  2. Do you want to date a person?
  3. Do you find girls cute?
  4. Do you find boys cute?
  5. Are you a boy or girl?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Are you nice?
  8. Are you tidy
  9. Do you play video games
  10. Do you go yo the gym

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Quiz topic: Who will I date

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