How much of a Zoi are you?

There is a bit of Zoi in all of us. But everyone wants to know HOW MUCH Zoi is in them. (I have to fill this with a more words so here's this little message to take up space) go zoi go zoi go zoi go zoi go zoi HAVE FUN

How Zoi are YOU!? Are you a Zoi or a complete opposite? Thanks to this quiz, you can find out how Zoi you are! (I have to fill this with more words so here's this little message to take up space) go zoi go zoi go zoi go zoi go zoi go zoi

Created by: TR
  1. So you're in class and there's a whiteboard marker free, and the teacher is distracted. What do you do?
  2. What musical instrument is your absolute favourite!?
  3. In your spare time you...
  4. You're at school, this one kid has done something to you and you hate'em so much for it. You...
  5. You're at school and you're swimming in sport. What do you do?
  6. Some teacher forces you to swim so you get in the pool. What do you do?
  7. If you had to spend the rest of your life doing one of the following, which would it be?
  8. Which would you rather be known as?
  9. You're favourite music genre is?
  10. You are...?
  11. Your fav genre of video games are...?
  12. Do you dance?
  13. Best TV shows on the block?
  14. Do you understand the power of a simple gift? (inside joke)
  15. You're at school. The possiblityof you getting in trouble that day is what?
  16. Like programming?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Zoi am I?