Who are you in the Svastikronian Empire?

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Only in the glorious Empire are duty and destiny so intertwined. All of life is battle, and every battle we fight upon this planet is fought in the name of Emperor Svastikron, who himself fights in the name of cosmic supremacy.

The Empire would be nothing if there were no people to fight for it. Emperor Svastikron united all of his noble kind under one banner so that they may conquer... One people, one Empire, one Emperor! Find out your purpose in the Empire!

Created by: HoH
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your life's purpose?
  2. How do you feel about the Emperor?
  3. What do you fear most?
  4. How would you describe your body?
  5. How would you describe your mind?
  6. What is your greatest strength?
  7. What do you love most?
  8. If you had a choice in the matter, how would you die?
  9. How do you think the Emperor feels about you?
  10. How do you feel about violence?
  11. What is your greatest sin?
  12. What do you value most in a nation?
  13. Do you consider yourself capable of murder?
  14. Which of these words most appeals to you?
  15. How do you feel about soldiers?
  16. What do others notice most about you?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the Svastikronian Empire?