Which RPG character are you?

There are several women in the RPG, but which one are you?! You may be surprised...........but you probably won't be. After all, if you've been lurking around in the RPG as much as I have then you probably know them pretty much inside-out...right?

There are several women in the RPG, but which one are you?! You may be surprised...........but you probably won't be. After all, if you've been lurking around in the RPG as much as I have then you probably know them pretty much inside-out.......right?

Created by: Jo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What annoys you the most in your day to day life?
  2. There's a computer in front of you. What do you do with it?
  3. Pick a bloke from this lot....
  4. What scares you?
  5. So, see dead people much?
  6. To relax, I.....
  7. Look behind you, what's there
  8. Tell me about your family...
  9. Favourite colour?
  10. What was your favourite subject at school?

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Quiz topic: Which RPG character am I?