Which of my GoToQuiz friends are you?

Hi. Its Porg Lover. I made this quiz so that you can find out which of my GoToQuiz friends you are. You can either be Vampirina, Bubbleisha, or Shimmer_.

So take this quiz! Find out if you are Vampirina, Bubbleisha, or Shimmer_. Please take my other quizzes, and my friends quizzes. Okay, start the quiz now. PORGS RULE!!!!

Created by: Porg Lover
  1. Have you taken Vampirinas quizzes?
  2. Have you taken Bubbleishas quizzes?
  3. Have you taken Shimmer_s quizzes?
  4. Whats your favorite television show?
  5. Whos your favorite shoppie?
  6. Do you like Shimmer or Shine more
  7. Whos your favorite cat?
  8. Did you like the quiz?
  9. Who do you think you are?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Which of my GoToQuiz friends am I?

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