Which New West landmark are you?

Which of our city's landmarks speaks to your soul? Are you the bright and cheerful Tin Soldier on the waterfront, or are your charms more mysterious and less well-known?

If the Royal City runs through your veins, then take this quiz to find out the real truth about which of our famous landmarks is at the heart of your personality.

Created by: Newsroom
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at a party with a room full of strangers. What do you do?
  2. It's Saturday night. Which means ...
  3. Your beverage of choice is ...
  4. You're commuting by SkyTrain. To pass the time, you ...
  5. Where in New West do you like to hang out?
  6. If you were to describe yourself in one word, you'd go with ...
  7. In your group of friends, which one are you?
  8. One of your friends has just suffered a broken heart. You ...
  9. There's been a crisis at the office. You ...
  10. If you were forced to live somewhere other than New West, you would choose ...

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Quiz topic: Which New West landmark am I?