Which Jungle Boy Are You Most Like?

check out our blog. best website in the world. ever wonder what it would be like to be awesome? check out who you could be now! Jungle Boys for Life

i heard our website was an awesome website. check it out. now. like, right now. Fact, our website is the best. question, why aren't you on it? Watch the Office this Thursday It'll be awesome!

Created by: Jungle Boys

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Question: It's raining and you have a tarp on the side of your house, what do you do?
  2. You and your friends are playing beach volleyball (and looking good at the same time) what do you call your team?
  3. You walk into QT, you walk out with?
  4. You are on a date and you are designated DJ, what comes on?
  5. you have to choose the movie for the night,what do you choose?
  6. You're at school, how long do you have to drive to see your girlfriend?
  7. late night trip to filiberto's, what do you order?
  8. dodgeball, how do you step up?
  9. You're friend is asking someone to prom by making a video, you wear what?
  10. Prefered method of travel

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Quiz topic: Which Jungle Boy am I Most Like?