Which Canterbury Pilgrim are you?

It can be a jungle out there. So many different types of people and ranks. Come find out of the many colorful characters from Canterbury tales which most fits your personality. Theres nothing to lose!

Are you a canterbury character? Are you a lover, a scholar, one of high rank? Out of the many different folks from this great tale discover which is most like you!

Created by: Nicole

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Finals are Monday, but you've been offered a ride to the beach which means fun in the sun, you...
  2. A rumor spreads rapidly through your office you..
  3. When it comes to love, you...
  4. When it comes to music, you...
  5. When you see a dead dog in the road, you...
  6. For the soldier who have been gone, you...
  7. A young bachelor is often coined with these terms...
  8. Reading and learning...
  9. When a button falls off your favorite shirt, you...
  10. When it comes to being merciful you are...

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Quiz topic: Which Canterbury Pilgrim am I?