which avengers 2 character are you

there are many people who consider themselves heros but most of them are villian find out if your a villian or hero from avengers. check it out now especially people wih D at the end of there names

are you a hero maybe. time to confirm once an for all from this quiz about avengers 2. find out if your a villian or hero from the new hit movie avengers 2. try it now to confirm I reapeat.

Created by: sami hasan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. wat do you want to be when you grow up.
  2. what skin and gender are you.
  3. which team would you join
  4. which villian would you fight
  5. which wold be your base.
  6. which colour is your favourite.
  7. which film would you watch.
  8. who wold be your friend.
  9. which army would you like.
  10. do you think your a ruler

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Quiz topic: Which avengers 2 character am I