Which 'The Avengers' Character Are You?

There are many characters in The Avengers, but few are just like you. You are, after all, quite unique. What are these characters like, anyway? They're all so different, aren't they?

So which character from The Avengers are YOU? Are you Tony Stark, creator of the Iron Man suits? Or perhaps you are Thor, defender of the Nine Realms and wielder of Mjolnir? Why don't you go find out...

Created by: Mr. V

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite color combination is...
  2. Describe your dream girl/guy
  3. How do you treat a promise you've made?
  4. Your enemy is about to defeat you and you have no chance to defeat him. You decide to...
  5. When you get knocked down (figuratively), what do you do next?
  6. If you could, you would rule...
  7. Ti complete your superhero outfit, make sure you have...
  8. Your favorite person is...
  9. Your favorite flower is...
  10. Your favorite time of day is...
  11. Who do you think you will get?

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Quiz topic: Which 'The Avengers' Character am I?