What warrior rank are you?

Ever wonder what rank you would be if you went into the warriors series? Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Warrior, Queen, Kittypet, or Rogue?

Find out in this quiz. Answer the questions truthfully to find out your true rank! Or just try and click the answers to get the rank you always wanted. But that would be cheating...

Created by: Leafpool675
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are on patrol and encounter a group of rouges. You...
  2. You have an enemy cat pinned to the ground who is begging for mercy. You...
  3. A tree is falling on the camp! You...
  4. Rouges have pinned down your leader and mate. One will die. You save...
  5. It's time to train your apprentice! You train them in...
  6. A young kit, only about 2 moons old, asks you to tell them a story. You begin with...
  7. You have the chance to attack your leader! You...
  8. What rank do you want to be?
  9. How did you like this quiz?
  10. Last question!

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Quiz topic: What warrior rank am I?