What Kind Of Warrior Cat Are You?

Find out what kind of cat you are, and your destined rank. Are you wild, courageous, mean, or kind? Are you destined to heal, fight, explore, learn, or lead?

Try the quiz and find out were you belong in your Clan. It shows the real you. Are you a sweet and kind queen? A curious kit? A fierce warrior? Find out!

Created by: Blackstar

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The border patrol comes rushing in and yowls that they found ShadowClan sent on our border again. The warriors protest to fight, but the leader wants to wait and mention it at the Gathering. You....
  2. A cold leaf bare is threatening your Clan, with no food or herbs, you don't know what to do. So you...
  3. You find an amazing cat in another Clan, and you believe they like you back. You....
  4. You found your mate flirting with your sibling. You....
  5. You see a bunch of waffles fly over your head. you....
  6. You find a lost kit in your turf with a rogue scent. you....
  7. You find a strange scent in the woods. you...
  8. A Clan leader has threatened your Clan with war at the gathering. You....
  9. The leader hears that you had been sneaking out at night and punishes you with no gathering. You....
  10. Your in the middle of the battle and see your mate, your apprentice, your leader, and your grown up kit in danger. You save....

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Warrior Cat am I?