What type of Marxist are you?

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What type of Marxist are you? If you are interested in Marxism join Revleft.com to learn more, if not then I don't know have a soda or something like that?

What type of Marxist are you? If you are interested in Marxism join Revleft.com to learn more, if not then I don't know have a lemonade or something like that?

Created by: Elliot
  1. What Marxist theory is superior.
  2. Should Marx's strategy of social analysis be orthodox and applied elsewhere?
  3. Is a permanent social revolution needed?
  4. Should there be a single party that controls the government?
  5. Should the revolution be lead by an elite few?
  6. Are the local bourgeois a necessary evil to fight foreign influence in a colony?
  7. Should leaders implicate the revolutionary ideas of the masses?
  8. What do you like about Marx's thought?
  9. Should Marxist theory be more clear?
  10. Should Marxism involve a better understanding of general human thought?
  11. Should Marxism expand to other fields of thought like psychology?
  12. Is Marxism truly anti-authoritarian thus making Leninism un-Marxist?
  13. Is Leninism a key part to Marxism?

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Quiz topic: What type of Marxist am I?