Are you a Marxist?

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Are you a Marxist, well find out on this quiz! If you are a Marxist then I recommend joining the site Revleft, its for who this quiz was designed for!

Are you a Marxist, well find out on this quiz! If you are a Marxist then I recommend joining the site Revleft, its for who this quiz was designed for, or just buy the Manifesto!

Created by: Elliot

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  1. Is history guided by materialism and will naturally create social progress?
  2. Is the advancement of technology the reasoning behind the evolution of economies?
  3. Have Karl Marx's ideas been proven by the scientific method?
  4. Is capitalism exploitative to the worker?
  5. Does Capitalism alienate the worker from the final product they develop.
  6. Is the economy solely defined by socio-economic class?
  7. Will Capitalism violently be overthrown, and socialism created?
  8. Will Socialism eventually fade away and leave no government and equality?
  9. Should the public collectively own the means of production and the economy?
  10. Should the people democratically elect local leaders, and those leaders elect their superiors and so on...?
  11. Does Capitalism force the worker to unfairly rent themselves to bosses, similar to slavery.
  12. Does a worker only deserve payment equal to the work he produces to society?
  13. Is history the story of the development of social classes and their struggles?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Marxist?