What's your inner animal spirit?

We all have something primitive lurking inside us, no matter how deep. If it's a brave lion, a cunning tiger, a bold bear, or a thoughtful mouse, you relate to and show your inner animal... But do you realize what it is? Find out now... Get in touch with it and find out what's YOUR inner animal!

How you act and what you like effect your character and will help lead to the discovery of your inner animal! Please, answer truthfully! (Or you might never know...)

Created by: J

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You friend is getting beat up by the school bully, you...
  2. You and your friends are hanging out watching TV when a new show comes on. You hate it and you know some of your pals aren't too crazy about it; as you're about to change channels, one person jumps up and starts screaming at you that this is their Fav. show and snatches the remote out of your hand! (Spaze much?) You...
  3. You're called up to do a math problem on the board. You...
  4. You're most likely to get a detention at school for...
  5. You found a wallet on the ground outside school. You...
  6. A fight breaks out at lunch!! You...
  7. Your bike got stolen! Now how are you going to get home?
  8. Someone drives up to you as you're walking home and asks for directions, you...
  9. Someone walks over to you at your lunch table and starts making fun of you in front of your friends. You jump up and...
  10. You got hurt during your big game. You...
  11. How would you handle a break up?
  12. Which pet is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: What's my inner animal spirit?