What's Your Baby's Developmental Age?

If you're a parent then you know that babies are amazing people! Watching them learn and grow is truly fascinating, and a whole lot of fun! However, they all grow and learn at such different rates from each other, varying widely even amongst twin siblings, that it can be hard to tell if your child is fast, slow, or right on track.

Lots of parents take immense pride in the new things their children are learning, believing their child to be special. And it's true! All children are special, and no two are alike! Are you one of the parents who believes your baby is superior to other babies in his/her age group? Or are you concerned that your baby might be developing a little too slowly? Well, I don't pretend to be an expert on the topic, but this quiz might give you a general idea of where your baby is compared to other babies. As always, talking over concerns with your pediatrician is vital to your child's health, especially if you have concerns of any nature. But if you're just looking for kicks, then this quiz is for you!

Created by: Play Bright
  1. Smiling at faces or in response to attention, being comforted when held, turning head toward voices and looking around, being alert to surroundings.
  2. Holds head and chest up during tummy time, turns head and tracks moving objects, wiggles and kicks, bats at/kicks toys and tracks objects with just his/her eyes from 8-12 inches away.
  3. Gurgles and coos in response to attention, responds to voices, can locate sounds and responds to loud noises.
  4. Reacts to sounds and sudden noises, is comforted by being held, shows interest in people and things and imitates simple actions.
  5. Smiles at familiar people, shows fear of strangers, plays socially, initiates interaction, recognizes familiar people, repeats enjoyed activities and smiles at reflections in the mirror.
  6. Sits with support, rolls over (both ways), reaches for toys and holds them with one hand, pulls objects over and transfers toys from one hand to the other.
  7. Laughs and squeals, shows emotion by vocalizing, uses consonants, shows interest in noises and babbles to toys.
  8. Plays with his/her own hands and feet, repeats new actions/motions, locates noises with eyes, brings things to his/her mouth, looks for objects that are partially hidden and responds to the noises that things make.
  9. Shyness with strangers, lifts hands to caregivers, smiles at his/her own face in the mirror, repeats actions that are encouraged, enjoys watching people and shows signs of separation anxiety.
  10. Sits without support, pulls him/herself up to a standing position, stands with support, shakes rattles to make noise, squeezes and pokes objects, picks things up with thumb and fingers, drops and throws things and bangs objects together.
  11. Responds to his/her name, repeats one syllable, waves bye-bye, imitates sounds, watches others speak, communicates wants/needs by gesturing or pointing, babbles random syllables and shouts for attention.
  12. Reaches for toys that are out of reach, experiments with cause and effect, moves a toy or object on a surface, plays interactively, shakes rattles, looks for hidden objects and uses an object as a tool to reach a different object.
  13. Vocalizes or gestures towards wants/needs, enjoys play with adults, shows affection towards familiar people, shows emotions, shows pleasure with accomplishments, shows objects to people, curiosity about environment, exploration of surroundings, cooperates with getting dressed and undressed and interacts with mirror-self.
  14. Crawls, walks while holding onto furniture, stands without support, walks a few steps without support, takes objects in and out of containers, pulls a toy by it's string, picks up things with thumb and index finger, begins to scribble and stacks objects.
  15. Understands the word "no", may use one-word phrases, has a 5-6 word vocabulary, understands simple questions and commands, understands many words, makes sounds while looking through picture books, turns pages, can point to several objects by name and says "Ma-ma" and "Da-da" to the correct parent.
  16. Imitates adult motions, uses hands or feet to play with toys, repeats actions or sounds, likes simple and repetitive games, imitates others' activities, explores objects or environment, uses trial and error to solve problems, unwraps toys and other objects, fits shapes into holes, looks through picture books and moves body to music and rhythm.

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Quiz topic: What's my Baby's Developmental Age?