Are you a mainstream lover?

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so, have you been itching to know if you're a mainstream baby? Or maybe you're here to make sure you have it your way and keep it real? Are you the indie/alternative kid?

So get ready to answer these questions and keep it real if you want to find out! No matter if you're unsure or 100% of being a mainstream go ahead and find out!

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you likely to be blasting in your room?
  2. What are you likely to be blasting in your room?
  3. You usually shop at...?
  4. You usually shop at...?
  5. If you could go back in time you would live in the...
  6. If you could go back in time you would live in the...
  7. Lightning Round. If you could revive one person from the dead, that would be...
  8. You're in a hurry and you hardly had time to get dressed. What is your Must-do before you leave the house?
  9. You're in a hurry and you hardly had time to get dressed. What is your Must-do before you leave the house?
  10. Your hit vacation of all time would be?
  11. You like to...
  12. You like to...
  13. You wouldn't live without...
  14. You wouldn't live without...
  15. And finally.... If you had three wishes they would be?
  16. And finally.... If you had three wishes they would be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a mainstream lover?