What is your quirk(MHA)

This shows if you were in the my hero academia or MHA Universe what quirk or power do you have .None are in the anime.you can tell me in the comments if there is anything wrong

None of these are in the actual anime. These are all made-up quirks.if you want to add another result you can tell me about it in the comments. I am sorry if you do not like your answer

Created by: Athena
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Choose which is your favorite
  3. Which one is your favorite
  4. How are you feeling
  5. Aesthetic?
  6. Do you which the anime
  7. Do you have a crush on one of them?
  8. Which one is YOU👦,👧,👨,👩
  9. Morning or afternoon
  10. Fate

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Quiz topic: What is my quirk(MHA)
