Are you a bully?

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Hi guys. If you are on this quiz, plz be willing to consider the fact that you might be a little bit of a jerk. Anyway, this is just to tell you whether you are a bully or not if you get bullied plz don't get offended k?

I had fun making this quiz and I hope you have fun taking it. I get bullied a lot at school and it hurts. Strange, ALL the bullies in my grade are boys. There's not a single girl bully in our grade. SO ANYWAY plz rate and comment thx for taking this quiz bye

Created by: Miraculous Lover
  1. when you look around the school, you see...
  2. Do you have anger issues?
  3. has anyone called you a jerk, bully, drama queen, ect?
  4. do you have a lot of self esteem?
  5. have you been bullied?
  6. do you enjoy the feeling of power and the need to be in control?
  7. what is your favorite scene of a movie
  8. do you ever say "chill, it was just a joke!" (BE HONEST) (the people who bully me do that a lot one time my friend replied with, "everything you do is a joke!")
  9. are you a queen bee? (or king)
  10. do you shame LGBTQ+ people/shows and call your friends weird for liking LGBTQ+ shows? (reaaallly think about this one)
  11. are you dramatic?
  12. if you were king/queen of the school everyone was forced to worship you or else you would make their life h*** by bullying, would you stop?
  13. how old are you?
  14. rate?
  15. comment?
  16. did you like this? will you reflect deeply on your results?
  17. bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I a bully?
