What Geometry dash difficulty are you?

Hello! In this quiz we will see what GD difficulty you are! From easy (Noob) to demon (Riot-esque). The rest is forced so it'll just be filler. Oh well

(it forces me to do this just ignore this paragraph) ojihgfcghijhugcfhjklhbklhvjbkl;jhvjbkl;jhgjkhgjkhgjkhgytguhuihuihdwiuhediuhwiuwedhdiueeiwuhwiuewiu

Created by: kitloin
  1. How often do you play Geometry Dash?
  2. How good are you? (BE HONEST)
  3. How many demons have you beat
  4. How many likes do you have on an online level?
  5. How many official levels have you beaten?
  6. What is your level beating strategy
  7. How many secret coins do you have?
  8. (This will not affect your score) do you own a cat?
  9. (this will not affect your score) Do you own a dog?
  10. (This will not affect your score) Are you a weeb or an otaku or neither

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Quiz topic: What Geometry dash difficulty am I?
