How Good are You at Geometry Dash?

Do you want to find out how good you really are at Geometry Dash? Well then, this quiz is for you! Now you can find out how much better you need to do to become an ultimate pro at Geometry Dash! Well, what are you waiting for? Give it a go!

You can either become Pro, Average, Okay or (the worst one) Noob. You're hopefully not a noob, but if you are, always practice! You'll definitely get there!

Created by: Zachary
  1. Do you find Stereo Madness hard?
  2. What's the highest difficulty you've ever completed?
  3. Have you made any of your own levels?
  4. If yes, did you verify it?
  5. If yes, was it featured?
  6. Have you complete all 21 official levels?
  7. How many fire shards do you have?
  8. Ice shards?
  9. Poison Shards?
  10. Lava Shards?
  11. Shadow Shards?
  12. Have you ever had 200 diamonds?
  13. Have you completed The Challenge?
  14. How many gauntlets have you completed?

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Quiz topic: How Good am I at Geometry Dash?

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