What entity from Doors are you? (Might not be true)

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Me-Hi, Y/N! Are you ready to meet all the entities from Doors and find out what one you will be? (Not including most of the secret entities.) great! Let me call them.All entities- “Hi Y/N!”Figure- “Are you guys here?”Seek- “🙄

Glitch- “Do we need more entities, Guiding Light?” G-light- “Maybe, we should think about it. Maybe make a quiz or smth about it. Idk. What do you think?”Glitch- “Sure. It’s a good idea.”

Created by: Glitch
  1. Me- “Screech, you go first to ask Y/N”Seek- “Why him? He is the worst!”Screech- “Yay! What’s your fave colour, Y/N?”
  2. Glitch- “Please can I go next? I’m also your fave”Me-Fine.Glitch- All right, Y/N, how much do you like attention?
  3. Eyes- How fast are you?Seek- You stole my turn!Eyes- Who asked + Who cares
  4. Seek- Well I’m going now! Y/N, choose a word!
  5. Me- Figure, you have been quiet, you can goFigure- Ok then, what is the best way to kill a player?
  6. Halt- This question is a bit late but do you actually play Doors?Me-every quiz has this question…
  7. Guiding Light- How scary are you?
  8. Rush- Who is your favourite entity here
  9. Dupe- Last one, who do you HATE?
  10. Me- Bye!

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Quiz topic: What entity from Doors am I? (Might not be true)
