What MCRDU character are you part 2

This is part two of the 'What MCRDU character are you quiz'. For part one search 'what MCRDU character are you'. In this quiz I added Eyes, Dupe, Ambush, Glitch, Rush, Void, Misleading Light, and Screech. If you want other characters do the first quiz of find the next one.

I didn't put all the characters in, but I am making a part three. Xes ku x dj hh k jrhebxnxkieuyrgehabbsmskehrgnsbdbdjrgywk acdndjrjebdnhejsbdjejsnjdjd

Created by: Roblox person
  1. Hi!
  2. Would you stand up to a bully?
  3. Do you lie?
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. What power would you want to have?
  6. What's your favorite color out of these?
  7. Are you smart?
  8. Pick one.
  9. Are you ready for the result?
  10. Okay bye!

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Quiz topic: What MCRDU character am I part 2
