What colour should your l/s be?

I designed this quiz so that you can find out which colour lightsaber blade you will have when you build your own saber. You must build your own l/s for when you progress, (this is what all jedi padawans must do to become knights and move higher up the ranks!)

The outcomes are all, (well, mostly) typical jedi colours which you'll be pleased with. My hint is that all the blue answers are on one line of the quiz, the green on the other, the others on the others etc. This may help if you feel the need to do the quiz again! May the force be with you!

Created by: Vixy the jedi master
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Think of a typical example of a conflict in your life. Done that? Now, which of the following sums up most how you went about the solutions...
  2. What is your favourite colour from the following: Blue, green, yellow, cyan, gold and orange?
  3. You became interested in being a jedi because...?
  4. When you're a jedi knight you'd like to think of yourself as...?
  5. (You may not of heard of these crystals but please just answer the question.) What crystal do you particuarly like over the rest? (Reminds you of something or someone, perhaps something that is special to you or you can associate with something...)
  6. (Nearly over!) Whcih of the following animals are you most like? Lion, owl, monkey, peacock.
  7. What element would you see yourself as?
  8. If you had a choice of lightsaber colours which would you choose?
  9. Final question! Would you like your lightsaber construction, (yes, you have to make it yourself!) to be relatively easy, medium difficulty, hard or extremely hard, (but worth it.)
  10. Were you caught out by the 'final question' bit? Please answer truthfully. Remember, you should of used the force, always use the force!

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Quiz topic: What colour should Ir l/s be?