What cat are you?

There are many cat people but which cat are you? I don't know you don't know nobody knows... You might not even be one but this quiz doesn't have that option

What cat are YOU? What kind of power do you behold? until now you never knew but thanks to me making this quiz you can find out in like two minutes! :P

Created by: PUTZthecat100
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How does your stoumauch look
  2. how tall are you
  3. do you have a short temper
  4. describe your family relationship
  5. Are you attractive
  6. What is your favorite color? Dodges Pineapple and hides behind Taylor Swift
  7. Do you like pie?
  8. Are you male or female?
  9. How do people misunderstand you
  10. Stares into eyes
  11. Please rate comment or just try my other quizzes!

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Quiz topic: What cat am I?