What Book of Mormon Hero Are You?

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The Book of Mormon is full to bursting with heroes. All the stories in the Book of Mormon talk about people or heroes and they are very captivating. There is truth in these stories, and these heroes actually lived long ago.

Have you ever wondered what Book of Mormon hero you represent? What Book of Mormon hero you are most like? Well, your questions are about to be answered with this quiz of "which Book of Mormon hero are you?"

Created by: Amaiya

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  1. What is your favorite Book of Mormon Story out of the ones listed below?
  2. What answer would you say is your ultimate faith builder?
  3. What weapon would you chose in a Book of Mormon War against the Lamanites?
  4. If you could live at any time during the Book of Mormon time, what time would it be?
  5. Who is your favorite Book of Mormon hero out of the ones listed below?
  6. Your friend is not doing so well in life. They are struggling with alcohol and they hate the church, but they are your best friend. What would you do?
  7. What is your ideal Sunday?
  8. If you were facing a very hard trial in your life right now, what would you do?
  9. What is your favorite scripture out of the ones listed below? (you have to look up the coordinates)
  10. What is your favorite temple of the ones listed below?

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Quiz topic: What Book of Mormon Hero am I?