The Stupid Test

This is the ultimate dumb test, see how stupid or smart you are, see how amazing or not amazing you are. You could be the bestest at this quiz... if you are smart, know that bestest is not a word.

Are you a genius? You could be the most fantastic genius of all time. Remember this is for boys and girls, whatever ages, and it isn't an IQ test. Have fun.

Created by: Morgan216
  1. A man stops at a town on Friday, stays 3 days, and leaves on Friday. How does he do it?
  2. Zero's mum, called Five, has four children. They are called Ten, Twenty, Thirty and... what is the name of the last kid?
  3. There is a traintrack under a hill, only one traintrack - so only one train at a time can go through. But one day, two trains go through. The both leave at 8 o'clock and come out three minutes later. How is it possible?
  4. It can run but never walks, it has a mouth but never talks, and it's always going, going, going. What is it?
  5. There are 3 cups on the table. 1 falls up. How many are on the floor?
  6. Jessica overtakes Barry, who is in second place. What place is Jessica now?
  7. What has no feet but is always going?
  8. What starts off warm and dry, when wet and cold, is not what you want, but the warmer and dryer you get, the wetter and colder it becomes. But no harm done, that's it job done. What am I?
  9. Mummy duck and daddy duck have 3 sons. Each duck has 2 sisters. How many ducks in the family, including mummy and daddy duck?
  10. What has no beginning and no end?

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